Milan, March 4 (LaPresse) – Officers from the Economic and Financial Police Unit of Milan are carrying out a precautionary house arrest order against Stefania Nobile, daughter of Wanna Marchi, and Davide Lacerenza, her ex-partner. They are accused of money laundering, aiding and abetting, exploitation of prostitution, and drug possession and trafficking. The officers have also seized the well-known nightclub "La Gintoneria" on Via Napo Torriani. Investigations, coordinated by the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, revealed that Milanese entrepreneur Lacerenza, with the help of his ex-partner Nobile and a collaborator, offered high-quality food and beverages to clients, along with drugs and the possibility of sexual services provided by escorts. The profits from these activities were illicitly laundered through the commercial business. The investigation began following suspicious transaction reports related to potential money laundering. The Economic and Financial Police Unit is also seizing over 900,000 euros, which is considered the proceeds from the money laundering activities.