Florence, March 14 (LaPresse) – "Do not leave your home, move to higher floors." This is the appeal made on social media by the mayor of Sesto Fiorentino (Florence), Lorenzo Falchi, to his fellow citizens.
"This morning, the Rimaggio overflowed in the city center, and there are major floods in Querceto and many other areas of the city," Falchi reported. "Civil Protection, municipal police, firefighters, and law enforcement are addressing the most critical situations."
However, the mayor warned that "a worsening of conditions is expected in the coming hours" and urged people "not to drive under any circumstances." He reiterated the need to "move to higher floors, especially for those living on the ground floor near canals and waterways" and stressed that "it is crucial to follow the instructions provided through the official channels of the Municipality and the Civil Protection service."