Mediterranea: ‘Spied on by the secret services on Mantovano's orders’

Milan, 26 March (LaPresse) – ‘We have learned from journalistic sources that, at last, the undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano, delegated by the government, has admitted that Mediterranea and its activists were spied on by the secret services with the military software Paragon Graphite because they were considered a “danger to national security”. The spying was requested by the Meloni government and authorised by the Attorney General at the Court of Appeal in Rome, Dr. Amato'. This was stated in a note by the NGO Mediterranea, in reference to press reports on the contents of yesterday's hearing at the Copasir of the undersecretary of the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for the Security of the Republic. ‘We caught them red-handed. This ‘legal’ but illegitimate activity targeting activists and political opponents of the government in their plans should not have come to light. Instead, the devil makes the pots and pans but not the lids: a covert operation worthy of a regime has been exposed worldwide,’ the organisation comments.