EU, Schlein: ‘Von der Leyen's plan is wrong, using cohesion funds for weapons is unacceptable’

Rome, 6 March (LaPresse) – ‘We confirm the Democratic Party's criticism of the proposals put forward by Ursula von der Leyen. We are working with the Socialists and Democrats to change the proposals and make them go in the direction that is needed, which is not the one indicated by Ursula von der Leyen’. So said the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, interviewed on SkyTg24. ‘To have a common defence we need common investments supported by common debt and there is nothing of all this in von der Leyen's plan’, she added. ‘It is unacceptable to take cohesion funds and divert them to military spending. So we will be leaving behind the priorities that were intertwined in Next Generation EU. It would be a mistake to leave those priorities behind.’