Rome, 10th March (LaPresse) – ‘Romano Prodi comes out of hibernation and after having already caused enormous damage to Italy returns to tell us exactly what we shouldn't do. Now he's telling us that for peace we need to rearm to the tune of 800 billion euros and we need to have a common European army, perhaps without unanimity, so that those who don't agree are simply sidelined or forced with the coercive ‘instruments’ so dear to Von der Leyen and the EU. In short, the usual arrogance of those who think they can make decisions about other people's lives without ever suffering the consequences’. This is what Roberto Vannacci, MEP for the Lega party, wrote on social media. ’ If it wasn't clear,’ he adds, ’this is the same crazy mentality as Macron, who would like to send European troops to Ukraine in defiance of the United Nations Charter, who would like to command this European army that Prodi and a few other reckless people are promoting, and who dreams of expanding his nuclear shield, but making others pay the bill while he, and he alone, maintains control of it.’ ‘These characters like Prodi, who has never seen a battlefield and wouldn't know a cannon from a crane, play war with the money, lives and resources of European citizens, without realising that they are only spiralling tensions and putting our security at risk. If Prodi and his friends are so convinced that we need a European army, then they should join up and go and fight… with his bicycle Prodi arrived in Donbass in just 2 weeks!’, concludes Vannacci.