Ukraine, Macron: "We Need Italy by Our Side"

Milan, March 2 (LaPresse) – "If we want to be credible as Europeans in our long-term support for Ukraine, we must be able to provide solid security guarantees. We are trying to make progress. And we need Italy—a strong Italy—acting alongside France and Germany, within the concert of great nations. That is why I invited the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, on February 17." This is the appeal that French President Emmanuel Macron made to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in an interview with Il Foglio, which will be published tomorrow and has been previewed on the newspaper's website. Macron's interview was conducted aboard the presidential Falcon jet en route to London today for the Ukraine summit. "Italy must stand by our side, commit to this path, and do so as a great European country, following in the footsteps of what Mario Draghi has done. At this moment, we must remain united," Macron added.