Rome, 12 Mar. (LaPresse) – ‘It is undeniable that the policy of introducing duties announced by the US administration could damage the Italian economy as well as the European economy and with a knock-on effect global trade. However, it must be reiterated that we have come from decades of total global competition, the mythical globalisation, without rules often. Today we have the uncertainty of the repercussions of duties, but we forget the actual damage that the Italian economy has suffered, so many companies that have disappeared, thanks to unfair competition and the theory of free trade that was thought to be inescapable'. This was said by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti answering the question time in the Chamber of Deputies. Giorgetti recalled that he had argued at the G7 and G20 ‘that it is not convenient for anyone to have a trade war, this is perhaps an opportunity to put things right, to create a more transparent WTO’. ‘Let us also think about this in addition to the dangers we face,’ Giorgetti concluded.

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