Milan, Mar. 14 (LaPresse) – ‘Usb has suspended the 24-hour strike of March 18 and 19, waiting to reposition it on the first useful date’. So Usb in a note. ‘This – continues the union – was not due to the illegitimate indication of the commission of guarantee on the regularity of the strike, towards which we were ready to disobey even if not withdrawn as we asked, but a political assessment made with the growing trade union structure of USB railways’. ‘In particular,’ adds Usb, ’it was assessed that, in light of the communications in the categories in recent weeks, the fairest way to identify was that of another 24-hour strike date characterised by greater clarity on contractual platforms on the claims of improving working conditions and democratic practice in the workplace. This choice is also in the perspective of keeping cohesive the front that has produced strikes of railway workers never so participated and so far ignored by the institutions’. “We will follow a statement of further explanations – informs Usb – and the identification as soon as possible of a date to resume the road of conflict in support of the renewal of the national labour contract”.

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