Milan, Jan 17 (LaPresse) – Reading ‘some passages’ from the Bible, but also from the Aeneid, the Odyssey and the Iliad. A guest on 5 Minuti, hosted by Bruno Vespa on Rai1, Education and Merit Minister Giuseppe Valditara explains that the Bible is a ‘great cultural heritage’ and believes that ‘knowing some extracts from it is very important and educational’. Starting next school year, alongside the reading of the Bible already in primary school, Latin (which will be optional) will return to secondary school: ‘Latin is the gymnasium of logic and reason, as Gramsci taught. It is a subject that ‘teaches learning and is the foundation of our grammar’. ‘Studying Latin involves a minimum of effort,’ Valditara emphasises, ‘let's get the kids used to the fact that it is not all that simple and easy.

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