Milan, 6 March (LaPresse) – There are signs of aggression and a probable beating on the body of Jhoanna Nataly Quintanilla Valle, the 40-year-old Salvadoran baby sitter who disappeared on the night of 24-25 January and for whose murder her partner Pablo Heriberto Gonzalez Rivas is in prison. From what emerged from the autopsy on the woman's body, found on Sunday 2 March after more than a month in the waters of the Adda river in Zelo Buon Persico, in the Lodigiano area, the cause of death was probably suffocation/strangulation. Experts from the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Pavia found numerous ecchymoses on the woman's body, although it will be necessary to wait for the results of histological examinations on the tissues. There would be no signs of stab or gunshot wounds or lacerations. In the meantime, the investigation by the Milan public prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo and the deputy Letizia Mannella continues, charging the 48-year-old with aggravated voluntary manslaughter and concealment of a corpse.
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