Milan, Mar. 21 (LaPresse) – The Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate has implemented the first-degree decree of confiscation of assets worth over 1 million euros. The recipient of the preventive measure, a known criminal from Trinitapoli (BT), already under special surveillance for public security and several times convicted for drug offences, was considered socially dangerous, precisely in the years in which he made the significant investments, now confiscated: 23 properties, a sole proprietorship operating in the agricultural sector and various financial assets. The asset investigations by the Dia, conducted thanks to the tools offered by the Anti-Mafia Code under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office – Anti-Mafia District Directorate of Bari, and shared by the Court – Precautionary Measures Section of Bari, allowed the investigators to prove the traceability of these investments to illegal activities.
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