Rome, 12 February (LaPresse) – ‘Faced with nothing’ of the government, ‘in the face of social and economic suffering, with families in difficulty, and in the face of businesses that are losing competitiveness, the political strategy and also the communicative technique of the executive’ is to talk about ‘sending weapons, the military victory that we must bring back over Russia, the war on the magistrates, who are ugly, dirty and bad’. Thus M5s president Giuseppe Conte guest on Agorà on Rai3. ‘Yesterday, after the maxi blitz in Palermo, Meloni thanked carabinieri and agents, all of them except for the magistrates of the Investigative Directorate because she is telling the Italians that they are ugly, dirty and bad, like the prosecutor of Rome Lo Voi who sends a communication, as he has sent it to me several times. When I had it, I went to the magistrates making myself available, if you have something to hide or profiles of opacity at that point to respond to a communication like that, due, you shoot a video to make holy war against the magistrate who then, mind you, it turns out that he does not even have a ‘red robe’ because he is of the right-wing current of the judiciary,' Conte concluded.

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