Milan, 9 March (LaPresse) – ‘Minister Crosetto said it clearly. Today two newspapers have given the news’ of a plan to enlist 40,000 more soldiers in the Italian army, but ’it is one of many studies carried out at a technical level to assess the situation and what more would be needed. It is not a government choice, it is not a parliamentary choice. There are many simulations that are done to understand how to guarantee security, we are at the level of proposals, of ideas, but it is Parliament that decides'. Thus the Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Antonio Tajani, speaking to ‘4 di sera Weekend’ on Rete 4. The reference is to the fact that today the newspapers La Repubblica and La Stampa reported a plan on which, according to indiscretions, the Defence would be working, which would foresee an increase of 30-40 thousand units in the Italian army. ‘It has been revealed that there was a study that had been done, I do not even know if it has reached the minister's table, but then it is Parliament that decides,’ Tajani said.

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