Rome, March 17 (LaPresse) – "March 17 celebrates the birth of Italy and, with it, the unity achieved at a high price through the Risorgimento, along with the reclaiming of its identity and unity through the struggle for Liberation, after the Nazi occupation and the institutional rupture caused by the establishment of the Social Republic regime in Northern Italy." These were the words of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the 164th anniversary of the National Unity, Constitution, Anthem, and Flag Day. "The 'National Unity, Constitution, Anthem, and Flag Day' reminds each of us of the values on which our community is founded and the aspirations that drive it towards building an increasingly cohesive and inclusive society, capable of looking to the future with confidence, within the European framework," added the Head of State. "The recurrence of March 17 calls for the commitment of every citizen to make the ideals of freedom and justice of the Republic ever more effective, facing the challenges to achieve concrete peace in an international context where aggressive tendencies have prevailed, in Ukraine as well as in the Middle East," Mattarella concluded.
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