Rome, 21 Mar. (LaPresse) – To those who ask him what impression the words of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the Ventotene Manifesto make on him, Matteo Renzi replies clearly: ‘Disgust. She uses the drama of prisoners of fascism who dreamed of a world of peace and justice to settle scores with the opposition’. ‘When Berlusconi, Prodi and in my small way I too went to the Chamber before the European Council, we sought a unified position because we represent Italy. You don't – adds the leader of Italia viva interviewed by Corriere della Sera -. You only represent the brothers of Italy and the sisters of Garbatella. With Hollande and Merkel we tried to revive the European dream after Brexit. Meloni, on the other hand, represents the politics of fear, of nightmares, of aggression towards her opponents.’ “She is the real Giorgia Meloni,” he continues. ’In recent years she has tried to set a tone, to make herself appear reasonable. But she is the one who uses the secret services to spy on journalists, makes laws ad personam against her opponents, frees criminals like Almasri. And she makes ironic comments about Ventotene at dinner with the MEPs of Fratelli d'Italia who outrage the memory of Spinelli, one of the fathers of European democracy: if instead of drinking and insulting, they had watched Roberto Benigni on Rai1 they would have learnt something and today they would be more civilised people. Meloni has a proprietary concept of the institutions. ‘The truth is gradually emerging.’ “The majority needs mass distractions,” says Renzi. ’In two years of government, bills go up, the cost of living goes up, the middle class suffers. Meloni has a divided majority on international issues. But she herself is more of a weather vane than a flag: she was with Putin and then switched to Zelensky. She was with Biden and now she's kissing Trump's ring. She was against the euro and now she wants to change Europe. She even managed to defend Trump on tariffs in the Senate, saying that in her opinion we shouldn't react: she said ‘no reprisals’ not realising that if tariffs are imposed on you and you don't take countermeasures, the Italian economy suffers, companies close, families can't make ends meet. I am amazed by the silence of Confindustria and the manufacturing world: don't they realise that the sovereignists will end up killing ‘Made in Italy’?’

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