Milan, Mar 25 (LaPresse) – If the indictment comes for the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchè, for the Covid case? ‘I do not know in detail the schedule of hearings, I do not know if tomorrow's hearing is confirmed but it changes little. Because in our opinion the minister said clear things when she came to the House in the face of the legitimate motion of no-confidence by the oppositions. We believe, as the minister himself has said, that the moment there is an indictment – and you have said that this would be the subject of deep reflection – we would come to an acknowledgement of the need to release her from office, not because she is governing tourism badly, where indeed we have rewarding data – but to ensure that she can defend herself in the most serene way possible‘’. This was said by the leader of the Fratelli d'Italia group in the Chamber of Deputies, Galeazzo Bignami, to ‘Sky Start’ on SkyTg24.

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