Rome, 26 Mar. (LaPresse) – Justice Minister Carlo Nordio has arrived at the Chamber of Deputies, where he will shortly begin examining the motion of no-confidence presented by the oppositions (with the exception of Azione) against him after the Almasri case. The Guardasigilli, before addressing the Chamber, allowed himself a coffee at the buvette. Pd secretary Elly Schlein spoke in explanation of vote. Among those registered to speak for the oppositions, then, Riccardo Magi (Più Europa), Maria Elena Boschi (Iv), Angelo Bonelli (Avs), Federico Cafiero De Raho (M5S), Antonio D'Alessio (Azione. In the majority quota Galeazzo Bignami (FdI), Simonetta Matone (Lega), Pietro Pittalis (FI), Martina Semenzato (Nm).

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