Milan, 24 Mar. (LaPresse) – The Municipality of Milan has published on its website the notice for the ‘collection of expressions of interest relating to the real estate complex of the Grande Funzione Urbana (GFU) “San Siro”, including the Giuseppe Meazza Stadium’. Palazzo Marino announced this, specifying that the call for tenders has ‘the objective of verifying the existence of any proposals for improvement with respect to the proposal presented’ by Milan and Inter on 11 March, ‘for the regeneration of the San Siro area, the construction of a new stadium, the repurposing of the current facility and the development of a redevelopment scenario’. Applications to participate can be sent by 11.59 p.m. on 30 April 2025. ‘At the same time,’ adds Palazzo Marino, ‘the Tax Authority's evaluation and the Feasibility Document of the project alternatives (DOCFAP) presented by the teams have also been published.’
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