Milan, March 25 (LaPresse) – More than 1.2 billion euros, of which 810 million for the ‘stadium compartment’ and over 420 million for the ‘multi-purpose compartment’ of San Siro including offices, hotels, retail, medical centre, car parks and energy power station. These are the total costs of Milan's new stadium proposal contained in the feasibility document sent by AC Milan and Inter Milan to the Milan City Council and published on Palazzo Marino's website. The clubs' project envisages 71,500 seats (against 60,000 in the previous proposal), a 140,000 square metre park for public use covering at least 50% of the project area, and a series of infrastructural interventions (the new Patroclus tunnel), the “urban requalification and activation of the receptive front along Via Tesio”, “the adaptation of the infrastructural node and the accesses to the north” from Via Achille to Via Tesio. According to the clubs' proposal, the stadium would become operational in 2031.
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